
Showing posts from March, 2021

Irrational Fears of Instagram Posts.

It's been one whole year since the start of restrictions in the UK, and what a year it has been... Lockdown 1.0 provided a well-needed break from hectic lives, and opportunities to delve into a digital world of dancing for Instagram posts and joining world-wide Zoom classes. There was the element of the unknown back then; a shared, naive misjudgement that things would be back to normal within a month, and we would resume as before.  Lockdown, particularly on Instagram, opened up a space to share to the world that dancing was still happening, regardless of access to studios. An ode to "no self-judgement" was made by many; assurances to followers that it was all a working progress and improvements were being made. A space to share new skills, new work-outs, new ways of moving - a desperate plea for the industry to stay connected, despite inevitable interruption.   Guilty of this myself, I felt the invisible push to post content that provided evidence that I not only was dan